The following is a list of the named speakers found in the dialogues traditionally ascribed to Plato.
Name | Dialogue | Role |
Adeimantus of Collytus, son of Ariston | Parmenides, The Republic | speaker |
Agathon of Athens, son of Tisamenus | Symposium | speaker |
Alcibiades of Scambonidae, son of Clinias | Symposium, First Alcibiades, Second Alcibiades, Protagoras | speaker |
Antiphon of Athens, son of Pyrilampes | Parmenides | indirect speaker |
Anytus I of Enonymon, son of Anthemion | Meno | speaker |
Apollodorus of Phaleron | Symposium | narrator, speaker |
Aristides of Alopece, son of Lysimachus | Theages, Laches | remembered speaker, speaker |
Aristodemus of Cydathenaeum | Symposium | narrator, speaker |
Aristophanes of Cydatheneum, son of Philippus | Symposium | speaker |
Aristotle of Thorae, son of Timocrates | Parmenides | speaker |
Aspasia of Miletus, daughter of Axiochus | Menexenus | quoted speaker |
Axiochus of Scambonidae, son of Alcibiades | Axiochus | speaker |
Callias of Alopece, son of Hipponicus | Apology, Protagoras | remembered speaker, speaker |
Callicles of Acharnae | Gorgias | speaker |
Cebes of Thebes | Phaedo | speaker |
Cephalus of Clazomenae | Parmenides | narrator |
Cephalus of Syracuse, son of Lysanias | The Republic | speaker |
Chaerephon of Sphettus | Charmides, Gorgias, Halcyon | speaker |
Charmides of Athens, son of Glaucon | Charmides | speaker |
Clinias of Cnossos in Crete | Laws, Epinomis, Eryxias | speaker |
Clinias of Scambonidae, son of Axiochus | Euthydemus, Axiochus | speaker |
Clitophon of Athens, son of Aristonymus | Clitophon, The Republic | speaker |
Cratylus of Athens, son of Smicrion | Cratylus | speaker |
Critias of Athens, son of Callaeschrus | Charmides, Protagoras, Timaeus, Critias | speaker |
Crito of Alopece | Crito, Phaedo, Euthydemus | speaker |
Ctesippus of Paeania | Lysis, Euthydemus | speaker |
Demodocus of Anagyrus | Theages, Demodocus | speaker |
Dionysodorus of Chios and Thurii | Euthydemus | speaker |
Diotima of Mantinea | Symposium | remembered speaker |
Echecrates of Phlius | Phaedo | speaker |
Erasistratus of Athens | Eryxias | speaker |
Eryxias of Stiria | Eryxias | speaker |
Eryximachus of Athens, son of Acumenus | Symposium | speaker |
Euclides of Megara | Theaetetus | speaker |
Eudicus of Athens, son of Apemantus | Lesser Hippias | speaker |
Euthydemus of Chios and Thurii | Euthydemus | speaker |
Euthyphro of Prospalta | Euthyphro | speaker |
Glaucon of Collytus, son of Ariston | Parmenides, Symposium, The Republic | indirect speaker, remembered speaker, speaker |
Gorgias of Leontini, son of Charmantides | Gorgias | speaker |
Hermocrates I of Syracuse, son of Hermon | Timaeus, Critias | speaker |
Hermogenes of Alopece, son of Hipponicus | Cratylus | speaker |
Hippias of Elis, son of Diopeithes | Protagoras, Greater Hippias, Lesser Hippias | speaker |
Hippocrates of Athens, son of Apollodorus | Protagoras | speaker |
Hippothales of Athens, son of Hieronymus | Lysis | speaker |
Ion of Ephesus | Ion | speaker |
Laches of Aexone, son of Melanopus | Laches | speaker |
Lysias of Thurii and Athens, son of Cephalus | Phaedrus | quoted speaker |
Lysis of Aexone, son of Democrates | Lysis | speaker |
Lysimachus of Alopece, son of Aristides | Laches | speaker |
Megillus of Sparta | Laws | speaker |
Melesias of Alopece, son of Thucydides | Laches | speaker |
Meletus of Pithus, son of Meletus | Apology | speaker |
Menexenus of Athens, son of Demophon | Lysis, Menexenus | speaker |
Meno of Thessaly, son of Alexidemus | Meno | speaker |
Nicias I of Cydantidae, son of Niceratus | Laches | speaker |
Parmenides of Elea, son of Pyres | Parmenides | speaker |
Pausanias of Cerameis | Symposium | speaker |
Phaedo of Elis | Phaedo | narrator, speaker |
Phaedrus of Myrrhinus, son of Pythocles | Symposium, Phaedrus | speaker |
Philebus | Philebus | speaker |
Polemarchus of Thurii, son of Cephalus | The Republic | speaker |
Pollus of Acragas (Sicily) | Gorgias | speaker |
Prodicus of Ceos | Protagoras, Eryxias | speaker, remembered speaker |
Protagoras of Abdera | Theaetetus, Protagoras | conjured speaker, speaker |
Protarchus of Athens, son of Callias | Philebus | speaker |
Pythodorus of Athens, son of Isolochus | Parmenides | indirect speaker |
Simmias of Thebes | Phaedo | speaker |
Socrates of Alopece, son of Sophroniscus | Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, Phaedo, Cratylus, Theaetetus, Sophist, Statesman, Parmenides, Philebus, Symposium, Phaedrus, First Alcibiades, Second Alcibiades, Hipparchus, Rival Lovers, Theages, Charmides, Laches, Lysis, Euthydemus, Protagoras, Gorgias, Meno, Greater Hippias, Lesser Hippias, Ion, Clitophon, The Republic, Timaeus, Critias, Minos, On Justice, On Virtue, Sisyphus, Eryxias, Axiochus, Halcyon | narrator, speaker |
Socrates of Athens | Statesman | speaker |
Sisyphus of Pharsalus | Sisyphus | speaker |
Terpsion of Megara | Theaetetus | speaker |
Theaetetus of Sunium, son of Euphronius | Theaetetus, Sophist | speaker |
Theages of Anagyrus, son of Demodocus | Theages | speaker |
Theodorus of Cyrene | Theaetetus, Sophist, Statesman | speaker |
Thucydides of Alopece, son of Melesias | Laches | speaker |
Thrasymachus of Chalcedon | The Republic | speaker |
Timaeus of Locri Epizephyrii | Timaeus, Critias | speaker |
Timarchus | Theages | remembered speaker |
Xanthippe, wife of Socrates of Alopece | Phaedo | speaker |
Zeno of Elea | Parmenides | speaker |